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Mamy 3.000 nowych braci i sióstr w wierze

edytowano maja 2008 w Arkan Noego

W Niedzielę Zesłania Ducha Świętego biskup Bawai Soro, sześciu księży, trzydziestu diakonów i trzy tysiące wiernych schizmatyckiego Kościoła asyryjskiego (nestorian) zostało oficjalnie przyjętych na łono Kościoła katolickiego i przystąpiło do Kościoła chaldejskiego. więcej

Witajcie w domu :cheer:


  • Prawdziwy ekumenizm w praktyce.
  • Bogu dzięki! :swingin:
  • Z tymi wąsami wygląda prawie jak stereotypowy Polak.
  • Następni w kolejce są anglikanie, których niedawno kard. Walter Kasper uprzejmie poprosił o określenie się, czy są bardziej katolikami, czy protestantami. Póki co zastanawiają się. Na ich miejscu bym zdecydowanie wolał Benedykta od królowej Elżbiety i całej królewskiej ferajny.
  • Zdaje się, że chcąc-niechcąc staliśmy się dla nestorian starszymi braćmi w wierze.
  • To już zależy od daty urodzenia. Ja mogę być młodszym bratem :bigsmile:
  • Ciekawe1:

    From April 20 until April 25 Father Karl Stehlin, district superior of the SSPX for Eastern Europe, preached a retreat in Latvia. The German district of the SSPX Website reported about this event on May 17, 2008. Seven laymen participated, but also eleven Protestant clergymen and even the head of the Lutheran Protestant community of Latvia, the regional Archbishop of the Lutheran Diocese of Riga, participated.

    In his sermons during the Ignatian Retreat, Father Stehlin SSPX preached about the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, about the Mother of God, about divine grace, about the seven sacraments and the one Church which is alone sanctifying.


    The Lutheran Pastors declared that they had asked a Traditionalist, because ecumenical meetings with official Catholic church representatives often consisted out of nice words, nice-talkers without any content and substance in their words.

    Many said they had been given the impression, that Catholics these days are rather willing to imitate the Protestants.


    According to the website the gratitude of the participants was immense: "The pastors said they particularly loved the the method of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, which opened accession to Sacred Scripture to them."

    The Lutheran Protestant pastors and archbishop were also touched by the Mariology preached by Fr. Stehlin: "With great intensity and piety, they also witnessed the Catholic rite of Mass [Tridentine Rite]."


    After the Ignatian Retreat Father Stehlin received the notification that already one of the participants had converted to the Roman Catholic Church.

    The Lutheran Regional Archbishop of Riga, leader of the Lutheran community of entire Latvia, asked Father Stehlin to come back soon and preach his Ignatian retreats to a larger group of Latvian Catholic and Protestant faithful and Lutheran Pastors.

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